Developer Guide

This guide explains how to set up your environment for developing Hippo.

Hippo is a .NET webapp, built with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach.

The front-end uses the Bootstrap design framework, which (along with some other packages) is managed via npm and gulp.


To get started either install the prerequisite tools locally or use a containerized environment.

1. Install locally

Install the following development tools and then clone the repository.:

2. Use Visual Studio Code Remote Containers

Alternatively development and testing can be done in a remote container using the Visual Studio Code Remote Containers extension.

Using this approach, you can run the development inside a container without installing anything locally, other than the prerequisites for Visual Studio Code Remote Containers.

  1. Clone the Hippo repository locally.
  2. Start VS Code
  3. Run the Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container... command and select the local folder.

You can also use the devcontainer cli to open Visual Studio Code and connect to the container.

devcontainer open hippo

3. Use GitHub Codespaces

If you have access to GitHub Codespaces then you can fork the Hippo repository and create a codespace.:

Navigate to the main page of the newly forked repository. Under the repository name, use the Code drop-down menu, and in the Codespaces tab, click New codespace:

New Codespace


To build the project, run:

$ dotnet restore
$ cd src/Web
$ npm run build


$ dotnet run

Then, open https://localhost:5309 to view the browser.


$ dotnet test


dotnet ef migrations add <name> --project src/Infrastructure --startup-project src/Web --output-dir Data/Migrations

Backing out

If you foul up your dev configuration beyond repair, or just want a clean start, delete src/Web/hippo.db.